Together In Turbulence

Arrangör Eva Sanner
Tid 2025-02-17 19:002025-05-19 21:00
900 kr

How can we be part of creating the new story to bridge the transition from the old way of building a society, to a new and more sustainable way? Welcome to an open group for reflection, sharing and deepening, open for anyone interested in personal development, learning and understanding more about these turbulent times.

Based in ecopsychology and psychosynthesis, we explore new thoughts about the present moment in society. We encourage each other to deepen our connection to nature and the living world, and to include this in our work as therapists, researchers or whatever field we are in.
We support and inspire each other to explore how we can be of support in our local communities and to formulate our thoughts and feelings in creative expressions.
During four monthly online sessions during the spring, we will focus on different themes and draw inspiration from different thinkers, such as Joanna Macy, Jem Bendell and others. Participants are invited to prepare before the session by watching a short video and/or reflecting on a couple of questions, but this is not mandatory only a way of supporting a deeper sharing in the group. We will also on two occasions have guests, who share from their professional experience to ignite our reflection, their names are to be announced shortly. 

The first guest is Petra Ellora Cau Wetterholm, psychologist, forest bath trainer and researcher about the effects of nature in therapy. The second guest is Gita Minou, life coach and wildlife guide who has spent three years living outdoors and shares about her intimate relationship with the living world. 

NOTE: Each session includes a guided meditation focused on the relationship between humans and nature, between humans and the living world and the compassion for the human soul. This meditation will be recorded and can be used freely between the sessions or shared as you wish.

Eva Sanner is an experienced certified psychosynthesis therapist and author, trained also in ecopsychology and shamanism. Eva regularly leads courses and retreats and courses in the Swedish countryside. Read more about her on

Dates spring 2025
February 17th: Expressing hope in action
March 17th: Therapy and development assisted by nature - Guest Petra Wetterholm
April 14th: Building community to support transition
May 19th: Intimacy with the living world - Guest Gita Minou

Time: 7-9 pm CET/6-7 pm GMT/10-12 am PST
You are welcome to register even if you cannot participate in all sessions, you can still follow the process and take part in recorded material such as guided meditations (no sharings will be recorded). Do you want more information, send an email to Eva Sanner at